📄️ SQL Basics
SELECT your data FROM Salesforce Marketing Cloud WHERE drag-and-drop Filters are not enough.
📄️ Select
Selected information on the SELECT statement in SFMC SQL.
📄️ From
Tell the SQL query FROM where you need the data.
📄️ Join
Data Extensions. System Data Views. With the JOIN statement, use one query to rule them all.
📄️ Where
Use WHERE to make your query lean and to the point. Less is more.
📄️ Case
Empower your Marketing Cloud queries with conditional SQL CASE logic.
📄️ Like
Get a LIKE and build more flexible SQL queries.
📄️ String Functions
Take control over strings with built-in SQL functions. Let the query do the job.
📄️ Date Functions
Take control over dates with built-in SQL functions. Let the query do the job.
📄️ Numeric Functions
Take control over numbers with built-in SQL functions. Let the query do the job.
📄️ Conversion Functions
Break from the limits of Data Extension data types. Use full power of SQL to control your values.
📄️ Aggregate Functions
Group rows and apply aggregate functions to see the big picture in your data extensions.
📄️ Null Functions
IS NULL, or IS NOT NULL, that is the question. Ways of working with NULL values in SFMC SQL.
📄️ Style Guide
Query with style. Readable, bug-free code is a few shifts & spaces away.
🗃️ › SQL Snippets
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