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Solve with Cloud Page Apps

Create micro applications tailored to your organisation needs using only Salesforce Marketing Cloud features.

Cloud Page Apps: what and why

When out-of-the-box features are not enough

Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers a multitude of options. With all the Studios, Builders, and other Salesforce-ecosystem cross-sells, you can deliver nearly anything. Nearly.

There will always be some business processes or requirements that are too niche or too unique to be covered out-of-the-box. Sometimes they can be delivered with what is available after some compromises. Sometimes only custom development can help.

Depending on the use case and company resources, you can overcome such challenges in two ways. By shopping at AppExchange - Salesforce App Store with 3rd Party solutions - or by building a custom application connected to Marketing Cloud with APIs (for example, leveraging yet another Salesforce product - Heroku).

AppExchange might be a great idea if you can find a product solving your problem, but it will add a recurring cost to your budget. On the other hand, a fully-fledged custom application might deliver precisely what you need but create considerable up-front cost (in either money for external developers or time for an in-house team) and require maintenance.

There is, however, the third path. One that can be perfect if you have a necessary but relatively small requirement for internally used power-up and would instead go lean on both budget and time — Marketing Cloud micro application.

Out-of-the-box approach to out-of-the-box feature

Marketing Cloud micro application offers AppExchange-style deep integration with Marketing Cloud platform and solution flexibility of custom development. In short, it is an application hosted on a Cloud Page and available via the main menu of Marketing Cloud. A Cloud Page App.

The good? You can use Marketing Cloud programmatic languages (SSJS and AMPScript) with all their nifty built-in functions to control the assets and behaviours of the SFMC platform and connected Sales & Service Clouds. You can also leverage the APIs to gather even more power and pull external logic and data. All this without having to care about hosting, scaling and integration. Available directly from the Marketing Cloud menu. And cost? Just a super message for loading a Cloud Page.

The bad? It is suitable for relatively simple apps. Think about a single front-end page powered by an SSJS or AMPScript backend on a Code Resource. Of course, you can try to build something more complex, but you may quickly get into a place where the whole endeavour would have been easier with an outside-hosted application.

Build your dream

So what can you do with such a solution? Possibilities are endless, but to share a few use cases:

  • Marketing Cloud Asset Viewer that allows you to quickly locate, for example, a Data Extension or Content asset.
  • Data Extension Analyzer for quick data analysis or even visualisation of values from a selected Data Extension.
  • KPI Dashboard displaying the most critical data for understanding your communication's current state - or even related data from Sales or Service Cloud imported using functions enabled by Marketing Cloud Connect.
  • Deliverability Dashboard pulling data from Marketing Cloud and external deliverability monitoring and alerting tools.
  • Documentation or FAQ related to your company processes and best practices that everyone should follow when building customer experience through Marketing Cloud.
  • Templated Journey creator to deploy tested flows for most used campaigns in a single click.

Anything related to Marketing Cloud that you wish could be a bit more automated or easy can be a good idea for a micro application approach.

Cloud Page Apps step by step

Create your first Marketing Cloud micro application

Implementation is very straightforward, and you can do it in few minutes:

  1. Create a simple Cloud Page (blank page with a "Hello World" will do the job for now).
  2. Publish it and copy the URL of the Cloud Page.
  3. Go to Marketing Cloud Setup -> Apps -> Installed Packages and create a New Package.
  4. Add a Marketing Cloud App Component to the Package and paste the Cloud Page URL in both Endpoint fields and Save.

That's all. You just created your first Marketing Cloud micro application. Refresh Marketing Cloud to see it available in the main menu under the AppExchange icon. Now it's time to build up your solution to solve the business need.

A Good application is a secure application

Your micro application is now available from the Marketing Cloud menu. But unfortunately, it can also be accessed from any other place, as it is still just a simple Cloud Page. It is, of course, not ideal. You don't want random people to access your API-fueled solution.

API Integration Component

Thankfully, you can leverage the already created Installed Package to secure the micro application cleanly. To do so, add yet another Component to the Package - this time, you will need API Integration one. Select Web App integration type and paste your micro application Cloud Page URL to the Redirect URI field.

You don't need to select anything in the Scope to secure your micro application. But if you plan on using the API calls, feel free to choose the required areas now. If you only want to leverage built-in SSJS and AMPScript functions, keep them unchecked.

Once you save the Component, you will see that your Installed Package API Component now lists: Client Id, Client Secret, and API Base URI. Copy those, as you will need them in the next step.

You Should Know

After you create your Installed Package, three base URI's are available - Authentication, REST and SOAP. After the https://, all of them have a common alphanumeric string with hyphens unique to your SFMC. I copy only this part to build any endpoint necessary for the application.

For example, for, the API Base URI is abcdefghi-jklmnoprst-123456.

API Authorisation

With the above pre-work completed, you can use SSJS or AMPScript on your Cloud Page to redirect to the v2/authorize endpoint of your Authentication Base URI before loading. It will require any visitor to log into your Marketing Cloud to load your micro application. What's even better, it will automatically load it for users already logged in (micro Single Sign-On).

You will need to pass Client Id and Cloud Page URL (for redirect after successful login) as query parameters to your authorisation redirect. Another necessary thing is Response Type equal to code. Finally, you can pass a State. The value of this parameter will be available after the redirect. It is excellent for recognising whether someone opened your micro application before (no state) or after (available state) logging in.

API Authentication Flow
var clientID = 'CLIENT_ID';
var clientSecret = 'CLIENT_SECRET';
var clientBase = 'API_BASE_URI';
var state = GUID();

Platform.Response.Redirect('https://' + clientBase + '' + clientID + '&redirect_uri=' + appURL + '&state=' + state);

API Authentication with Token

Once your micro application refreshes after authorisation, you can get the code query string parameter with SSJS or AMPScript function and use it to make a POST API call to Authentication Base URI - this time to v2/token endpoint. As the code from the authorisation endpoint is required in the payload, the fact of receiving the token in the response will validate that the visitor is eligible to access the micro application and use it.

API Token Authorisation Flow
var clientID = 'CLIENT_ID';
var clientSecret = 'CLIENT_SECRET';
var clientBase = 'API_BASE_URI';

var code = Platform.Request.GetQueryStringParameter('code');
var payload = {
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: code,
client_id: clientID,
client_secret: clientSecret,
redirect_uri: appURL

var response = HTTP.Post('https://' + clientBase + '', 'application/json', Stringify(payload));

if (response.StatusCode == 200) {
var parsedResponse = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(response.Response[0]);
var accessToken = parsedResponse.access_token;
var tokenExpire = Platform.Function.SystemDateToLocalDate(Platform.Function.Now());
tokenExpire.setMinutes(tokenExpire.getMinutes() + 18);

You Should Know

If you want to use the token for API in the context of a specific Business Unit, add account_id: businessUnitMID, to the payload to get the right token. Otherwise you will get autorization errors on API calls.

This way, you just added a micro Single Sign-On feature that is as secure as your Marketing Cloud. And that's not all! As now only your Marketing Cloud users can access the application, you can leverage the Installed Package Access tab to control who will see your solution in the main menu.

Now you have a secure, SSO-enabled micro application deeply integrated with Marketing Cloud ready to solve your business needs and power up your Marketing Team.

You Should Know

Adding this micro SSO process blocks Web Studio from loading the Cloud Page in Preview. During development, you either have to comment out the SSO or validate the changes only by publishing and checking in the Cloud Page App directly.

It also increases the cost of using the micro application from 1 Super Message per use to 2, due to Cloud Page refresh during authorization.

Capture your Cloud Page App usage

We can also add a logging solution that will store session and log app use history. We will need a Data Extension (one can serve multiple Cloud Page Apps) and a bit more code around the above snippets.

Create Data Extension with the following structure (session column being the Primary Key):

NameDataTypeDefault ValueLengthNullable
🔑 sessionText50No
createdDateDateCurrent dateYes

As for data retention, one day for Individual Records is enough for authorisation purposes. However, you can extend it for logging history purposes. Keep in mind that the more data stored, the slower the Data Extension operations speeds. Pushing data to this table is straightforward:

Fill Cloud Page App Logging Data Extension
Platform.Function.UpsertData(authDE, ['session'], [state], ['appName', 'token', 'tokenExpire'], [appName, accessToken, tokenExpire]);

It will additionally allow you to safely split your application into the front end (Cloud Page) and back end (Code Resource) to improve user experience and optimise speed and cost.

Secured Cloud Page App Template

By considering all the above, we get a robust and secure template for our Cloud Page Apps:

Full Cloud Page App Template
<script runat="server">
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Authenticates each visitor to limit access only to SFMC logged-in users.

1. Global Variables
2. Helper Functions
2.1. Debugging
2.2. Error handling
3. Authentication Flow
3.1. Authorisation
3.2. Authentication with REST Token
3.2.1. Build token request payload
3.2.2. Request the token
3.2.3. Destructure the response
3.2.4. Get User Details
3.2.5. Upsert Logging Data Extension
3.2.6. Handle authentication error
3.3. Authorisation Error

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Platform.Load('core', '1');

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------- 1. GLOBAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

var debugging = false;
var appName = 'CLOUD_APP_NAME';

var clientID = 'CLIENT_ID';
var clientSecret = 'CLIENT_SECRET';
var clientBase = 'API_BASE_URI';

var state = Platform.Request.GetQueryStringParameter('state');

var errorMessage = Platform.Request.GetQueryStringParameter('error');
var errorDescription = Platform.Request.GetQueryStringParameter('error_description');

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------- 2. HELPER FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ---------------------- 2.1. Debugging --------------------------------- */

* @function debugValue
* @description Outputs provided description and SSJS value to front-end in a type-safe & consistent way
* @param {string} description - Describes meaning of the second parameter in the output
* @param {*} value - The value that needs to be debugged
function debugValue(description, value) {
Write(description + ': ' + (typeof value == 'object' ? Stringify(value) : value) + '<br><br>');

/* ---------------------- 2.2. Error handling ---------------------------- */

* @function handleError
* @description Adds the error with context to error logging Data Extension and redirects to error page.
* @param {Object} error - The caught error object. Can come from the try/catch block or be manually created.
* @param {string} error.message - First error key stores short error message describing the issue.
* @param {string} error.description - Second error key stores detailed error path helping with root cause analysis
function handleError(error) {
if (debugging) {
debugValue('Found error', error);
} else {
// Remember that if your Logging Data Extension is in Shared Folder, you need to add the "ENT." prefix to name
Platform.Function.InsertData(errorDE, ['id', 'appName', 'errorMessage', 'errorDescription'], [GUID(), appName, error.message, error.description]);
Platform.Response.Redirect(errorURL + '?error=' + error.message + '&error_description=' + error.description);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------- 3. AUTHENTICATION FLOW ------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ---------------------- 3.1. Authorization ----------------------------- */

if (!state && !errorMessage) {
state = GUID();
Platform.Response.Redirect('https://' + clientBase + '' + clientID + '&redirect_uri=' + appURL + '&state=' + state);

/* ---------------------- 3.2. Authentication ---------------------------- */

} else if (state) {
/* 3.2.1. Build token request payload */
var code = Platform.Request.GetQueryStringParameter('code');
var payload = {
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: code,
client_id: clientID,
client_secret: clientSecret,
redirect_uri: appURL
/* 3.2.2. Request the token */
var response = HTTP.Post('https://' + clientBase + '', 'application/json', Stringify(payload));
/* 3.2.3. Destructure the response */
if (response.StatusCode == 200) {
var parsedResponse = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(response.Response[0]);
var accessToken = parsedResponse.access_token;
var appScope = parsedResponse.scope;
var tokenExpire = Platform.Function.SystemDateToLocalDate(Platform.Function.Now());
tokenExpire.setMinutes(tokenExpire.getMinutes() + 18);

/* 3.2.4. Get User Details */
response = HTTP.Get('https://' + clientBase + '', ['Authorization'], ['Bearer ' + accessToken]);
if (debugging) debugValue('UserInfo Response', response)
userName = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(response.Content);
userEmail = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(response.Content);

/* 3.2.5. Upsert Authentication Logging Data Extension */
Platform.Function.UpsertData(authDE, ['session'], [state],
['appName', 'token', 'tokenExpire', 'userName', 'userEmail'],
[appName, accessToken, tokenExpire, userName, userEmail]

/* 3.2.6. Handle authentication error */
} else {
handleError({message: 'Authentication Failed', description: 'Status: ' + response.StatusCode})

/* ---------------------- 3.3. Authorization Error ----------------------- */

} else {
handleError({message: errorMessage, description: errorDescription});

<!-- The Cloud Page App micro SSO solution will secure anything you create below -->
You Should Know

Any reload done within the app (Reload/Redirect/Post via Form) should point back to Apps Cloud Page URL with 'state=' + state appended to it as a query parameter (remember to use ? if it will be the first parameter or & in another case).

You can also leverage the session to lookup the token for API calls: Platform.Function.Lookup(authDE, 'token', 'session', state)

To implement it, copy and paste the above code to the top of the Cloud Page used for the App. Next, change the values at the top of the code (the uppercase ones) to match your package installation and app details. That's all!

Implementation Sum Up

There was much information to digest, so it's time for a streamlined step by step guide from zero to hero:

  1. Logging Data Extensions
    1. In Content Builder or Email Studio create a Cloud Page App Logging Data Extension.
    2. In Content Builder or Email Studio create an Error Logging Data Extension.
    3. In both cases, one is enough for multiple Cloud Page Apps. If stored in the Shared Data Extensions folder, both can serve multiple Business Units.
  2. Cloud Page
    1. Create a new Cloud Page.
    2. Copy the URL.
  3. Installed Package
    1. Go to System -> Platform Tools -> Apps -> Installed Packages.
    2. Click New in the top right corner.
    3. Add Unique Name and Description suggesting the App's purpose.
    4. Marketing Cloud App Component.
      1. Click Add Component at the bottom.
      2. Select Marketing Cloud App and click Next.
      3. Add Unique Name and Description suggesting the App's purpose.
      4. Add Cloud Page URL copied in step 2.ii as both Login and Logout Endpoint.
      5. Click Save.
    5. API Integration Component.
      1. Click Add Component on the right side of the page.
      2. Select API Integration and click Next.
      3. Select Web App and click Next.
      4. Add Cloud Page URL copied in step 2.ii as Redirect URI.
      5. Add Scope of the App (should be minimal, can be extended later) and click Save.
    6. Copy Client Id, Client Secret and Client Base URI.
  4. Menu Unlock
    1. Refresh tab with Marketing Cloud.
    2. On the main menu pane of Marketing Cloud, hover over AppExchange to see your application.
  5. Secured Template
    1. Copy the template in the prefered language to the Cloud Page from step 2.i.
    2. Update the unique values in the variables at the top part of the template (CAPS_LOCK placeholders).
  6. Build your solution

Learn more

Looking for more? Check out follow up materials for added context and deeper dive:

  1. Webinar recording on Cloud Page Apps.
  2. Webinar recording on Architecting Web Solutions in SFMC.
  3. Article on Power of SFMC Code Resources.
  4. Article on SFMC AppExchange Solutions.
  5. Code Snippets on my GitHub.